May - 20 to 31 - Rhubarb

June - 10 to 25 - Gooseberry

July / August - 15.07 to 10.08 - Cherry

September - 1 to 20 - Purple plum

September - from 15 - Apple

About Us

Znajdą tu Państwo kilka słów na temat historii naszej firmy oraz aktualnej działalności

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Our Offer

Zapraszamy Państwa do zapoznania się z naszą ofertą owoców oraz koncentratów owocowych

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W tym miejscu znajd Państwo dane adresowe naszej firmy, telefony i formularz kontaktowy

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Praktyczna mapka pomoze Państwu zaplanować wygodny dojazd do siedziby naszej firmy

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Do you know that...

We have many years of experience in the fruit and vegetable processing industry, and our products are appreciated both in Poland and abroad.

We are a recognized producer of frozen fruit and vegetables, compotes, jams and preserves, tinned vegetables, concentrates, as well as fresh and chilled vegetables and fruits.

We constantly control the quality of our products, thanks to which we are able to meet the expectations of even the most demanding customers.

Feel free to contact us, our specialists are always willing and professional to help you choose products tailored to your needs and expectations.